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Week 15 will be two weeks due to the MLB All-Star Game and run from July 8th through July 21st. Roster deadlines, innings-pitched minimums, and weekly transaction limits won't change or reset during this fantasy week.

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Commish Notes

  • Welcome back to I HEARD THAT...

    Satellite radio's most stumbled upon podcast. From the shores of Anchorage to where the sun kisses the equator in South Jupiter.

    Today we sit down with arguably the greatest inventor in the modern era. We pick his brain to go deep into the belly of his genius. And try to discover the secret sauce to what some professionals call...
    "Unrefined & Unconventional" methodology.

    Ladies & Gentlemen... BRUCENHURST PELLEGRINO! (applause)

    Interviewer : Welcome Bruce... Thanks for being with us today.
    BP : Awww you know... A cat got 9 lives. Knowwhatimtalkinbout

    Interviewer : Uhhhh?
    Interviewer : Soooo... Let's start at the beginning. Did you always have this burging desire to be near explosives like most little boys do?
    BP : Well you know... My older brother got an Eruption Fountain by Bloomin Bulldog one year. Turned his left knee cap backwards & fried up his shin hair real good. Mama say... "If I see you even looking!" After that I couldn't even get next to the stove in the kitchen. So I got creative real quick... You know a frog a jump higher when its hungry. Knowwhatimtalkinbout

    Interviewer : (Looks off set at the producer)
    Interviewer : Okay so Mama says no but something lit a spark in you. How'd you navigate learning more and honing your craft undetected?
    BP : Well you know... My sister had a bunch of them Cabbage Patches up in the attic. When Mama went to sleep... I'd go up and pop the heads off to see what was inside. When I saw it was nothing!?!? I knew right then and there. Told myself... "I'mma rattle the attic blowing these up!" Now she also had one of them Easy Bake Ovens with a built-in timer. After Mama would throw out the butter or margarine wrappers. I'd take it, pour out one of them brownie packs into it, then stuff it inside one them Cabbage heads drenched in Magic Bubble soap. Now it would take 2 to 3 weeks in that oven... But when that thing went off??? Sounded like somebody was saying "Hushhhhh" real real loud. Knowwhatimtalkinbout

    Interviewer : (Takes deep breath) Wow
    Interviewer : So humble beginnings... But now you've created a thriving enterprise with BRUTAL BOMBS taking off. Tell us about the secret to non explosive bombing. And how you guys compete with real firecracker & explosives in the current fireworks market?
    BP : Well... It don't take all day to recognize the sun is shining. We don't compete with them fancy fireworks and whatnot. We simply offer an alternative to getting your fingers blowed off. My brothers shin hair never growed back... He gotta live with that. At BRUTAL BOMBS we keep it simple and we keep it safe... That's our secret! You know they got this thing called RED WHITE & BLUE. It's like 12 cannons and 14 rockets... Thing a blow a whole in the ozone layer. People use it for their big finish on July 4th and New Year's celebrations. Now I got a buddy named Thelonious... Thelonious known for making big bangs. It go BOOM! when he come around... Knowwhatimtalkinbout? Thelonious used that RED WHITE & BLUE when his daughter turned 25 at her Quiceanera. Thelonious got one nipple now and gotta read lips... Can't even hear himself fart. Knowwhatimtalkinbout

    Interviewer : (Stutters) I... I actually do.
    Interviewer : Well Bruce... You've taken the world by storm by igniting new ways of thinking about explosives. Some call you a genius and others call you the greatest inventor ever. But what does Bruce call himself when he takes a moment to step back?
    BP : Well you know it's like this. Mama raised me to look for the danger in things. But I was such a curious boy I had to conquer those fears early. And push caution out the way to keep moving forward or I would of blown up inside. So I never stopped. Since that day I popped that Cabbage Patch open... I never stopped. So it tickles my funny bone to no end. To be a leader in the Bomb business without using any of that explosive stuff. Genius? Well I don't know about that but Mama only raised babies no fools. I mean pigs step in mud everyday... When they got time to dry they feet? Knowwhatimtalkinbout

    Interviewer : (checking his sponsorship list again) Uhhhhh
    Interviewer : Well Bruce we like to thank you for taking this time with us. And letting the world get a glimpse into the mind of the man surrounded by so much mystery. We look forward to watching BRUTAL BOMBS continue to grow and explode into the future. Enjoy the 4th & Safe travels to you.
    BP : Well Thanks for having me on your Castpod... I truly enjoyed it. Burn me a CD won'tcha? We'll play it at the house on the 4th for sure. Ya know it's like Mama always said... "Boy what in the hell you gonna do with them Honeydew Melon seeds besides spit'em out?"

    This has been another I HEARD THAT production... Thanks for listening. (All views expressed by our guest are not the views expressed by this Castpod... I mean Podcast)
    Jul 3 7:36 AM
  • Incase you missed it?

    THE FENCE...
    Who was currently in the middle of a 5 game slid(Not slide) Slid!
    Finally got the slats back together and put up his defenses against THE BANDIT. By dragging VEGAS out in the cold cold desert...
    And LEAVING him there with the cactus & coyote to think about it.

    Speaking of WILE E. COYOTE...
    7 losses in 8 tries forced MR. ESCALATION to call ACME for some help.
    And help they did. But BRUTAL BOMBS in the midst of a 6 game skid himself, also called ACME. One day earlier... Asking for every used matchstick box, all TNT packaging paper, and a plie of Cherry Bomb residual dust flake. Then he stood by the cliff holding a sign that said...

    It's 11pm do you know where THE COBRA is?
    COMMANDANT LENNY unfortunately did not!
    6 wins in row can smooth out your sails all the way to eutopia. But you better keep 1 eye on those Sneaky Snakes. KC gets back to slithering... Mmmwauhsisss!

    THE GREAT YONDER... Should be called?
    Winning 8 of 9 and 10 of 12 should be all the proof one would need.
    Enter FLIGHT 707... The only guy to make MR. MAGOO take a 2nd look.
    Fearless, Forceful, and obviously Far sighted.
    Didn't see the L in front of him... PUFF MAGICAL puffs on.

    On the list of things you'll never see...
    A grown Camel without a hump.
    A Balloon without air floating through the sky.
    Or A lit cigar in a Confessional booth.

    Who knew a JET slowing down would be one of them?
    DANNY fails to find the afterburner as STICKS lands on even ground.

    Week 13... Luck of the Draw or the 13th Floor?

    Better Luck to you all Gentleman!
    Jun 24 7:21 AM
  • Some battles are filled with rage... Like one bitter rival to another.

    Some are products of circumstance... Like a Cinderella vs The Champ.

    And some are just painful like a Train vs The Track.

    Where good folks just simply lay down and get smooth ran over.

    I don't know how you fella's spent your weekend.

    But if you happened to hear a train whistlin'?

    And not so much like the "TOOT TOOOOT!" one might hear on the track. This was more... MEEEEP MEEEEP like Road Runner & Coyote laying on his back. DANNY & THE JETS steam roll through ESCALATION COUNTY... And rather QUICKLY I might add. MEEP MEEP!

    Due West... Where what happens out there will usually stay out there.
    Got a little out of hand over some cards, some cognac, and some poor guys plane this weekend. All we know... THE 707 was last seen with his arms out like an airplane walking barefoot down The Strip. And STAY VEGAS THE BANDIT was spotted flying into work on Monday.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt once said...
    "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor"
    And if you know anything about The Great Northwest? Not a lot of sea... So they cruise over the land. That means... STICKS&STONES be damned! COMMRADE LENNY takes the wheel and skillfully Captains his ship back into the win column.

    Over at BRUTAL BOMBS...
    Where they specialize in Duds, Fizzles, and anything pre explosion. (Just the sissss part... Not the explosion... Just the sisssss) They have a 4th of July package that will slightly askew your socks off to one side!
    And because no human person alive would actually want a bomb that doesn't boom... They're practically giving BOMBS AWAY! THE FENCE takes a few Fizzles, 2 Duds, and sisss sisss package back OVER the wall.

    And out over the Great Yonder. Where you can see just about anything happen at random. Like a hue of Purple Clouds floating in the sky. Or a Cobra with big lips making a pucker face as it slithers on by. Rarely will you ever see that MAGICAL DRAGON while he's puffing purple clouds no matter how hard you try. And just as rare... Will you ever see. A COBRA NOT PUCKERING or slithering but frozen still. Looking off into space like it caught something in his eye. A contact maybe? Who's to say really. Just beware of Purple Clouds & hanging out on the Great Yonder should you ever happen by.

    As for the battles...

    They rage on but get more vigorous.

    STICKS will try to find some fire while THE 707 looks for flight.

    THE JETS take DANNY through THE FENCE not OVER it.

    MR. ESCALATION speeds up to get away from the COBRA and his KISS.

    PUFF MAGICAL has on shorts sleeves the night he STAYS in VEGAS.


    WEEK 7 is upon us... Better Luck to you all.
    May 13 9:15 AM
  • Confucius also said...

    "It doesn't matter how slow you go, So as long as you do not stop"

    Weeeeeell I don't know about this one right here.

    Because it definitely does not say SLUGGERS CRAWL on the marquee. And I'm sure when the BRUCE BOMBERS drafted ACUNA & HARPER. They were certain they had some CHERRY BOMBS and not SPARKLERS. Cause 0-3 might scream a lot of things... But KABOOM is surely not one of them.

    And we all know misery loves to commiserate with others. And who better to chew the fat with then UNCLE LEONARD. Or CAPTAIN LENNY as he's referred to by his comrades. When he moonlights as the commandant of the SS PORT-TANIC. Currently docked but sinking off the Oregon coast. Trying desperately to plug the holes in his J-ROD, SCHWARBER, and ALONSO down in the engine room.

    And though they've tried... You can't beat an engine with just a bat. Nor can you beat a Fast ball, Breaking ball, or a Sweeper with just a TOOTHPICK. You're gonna need more lumber (That's what she said). More importantly... When you're standing on the bump. You won't get anything passed anyone throwing GALLSTONES. So if 0-3 wasn't screaming KABOOM!!! Then it most definitely must be screaming... TOOTHPICK & GALLSTONES.

    Thankfully those that crawl tend to walk alone. And those that RUN?
    Well they tend to jog first. And right now there jogging in packs... Especially out at WASHINGTON PARK. Where it's STAY VEGAS THE BANDIT leading the group with 229,675 laps. But PUFF MAGICAL & MR. QUICK ESCALATE are fast on his heels as they say.

    And over by THE POLO GROUNDS? THE FENCE is doing more then getting OVER... He's keeping pace. But he's gonna have to do even more to catch up to DANNY & THE JETS. Who took OLSON, CARROLL, and 0-3 and flipped it. But it's still a marathon no matter how good you can sprint. You'll need a few more tools in the bag to carry the bag.

    And THE COBRA has SOTO, OZUNA, and NOLA in his bag.
    So it would seem... That it's KISS the game goodbye!

    Lucky for us...

    You can kiss all you want but it's only week 3. And all you need right now is for the next one to be your best one. Ask THE 707 all you 0 and 3's who still might have some doubt. He was 0 and 2 out the gate but with a little will in his way. He found his flight, a win, and now he's looking somewhat able.

    On to week 4... Better Luck!
    Apr 22 9:21 AM
  • Confucius said...

    Baseball is wrong. A man with 4 balls can't walk.

    That might be true in most cases but my advice?
    Take those walks anyway you can get them.

    Because in this Clubhouse... Hits don't come as often as you'd think.

    From a COLE on ice to the JUDGE stuck in his chambers. It's a tricky business to navigate a healthy line-up for an entire season. Mix that with a stiff cocktail of staunch competition that takes no day off. And now your digging your big toe into the back of that batter's box. Choking the living pine tar outta your bat. While sweat puddles fill up your batting glove. And your ear is ringing cause the Ump just yelled...

    "Striiiiiiike 2ewww!!!"

    You ready now?

    Baseball is finally upon us Gentlemen... Live rounds in the chamber.

    Thanks again for joining the marathon.

    Better Luck & a prosperous season to you all.
    Mar 17 12:33 PM
  • If you have ever possessed the sack & nerve.

    To hit a 100MPH fastball that falls off the table in the end?

    Then your in the right place... Welcome it's THE SLUGGERS RUN.

    10 teams walk THE CLUBHOUSE with a variance of skill & grit.

    Some have designated lockers with their names carved in the wood.

    And some bare uniforms with smudge marks from the fresh paint.

    Doesn't matter which one you are.

    It only matters that you came to play.

    It's a long season... So all we ask?

    That you stay active and stay alert in the DUGOUT.

    Those 100MPH fastballs can sometime become FOUL TIPS.

    For now it's SPRING TRAINING... Good time to tweak that swing.

    Because THE DRAFT will soon follow and then it's... PLAY BALL!

    Thanks again for your participation and Best of Luck to you all.
    Feb 27 3:49 AM

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    STICKS&STONES (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 10:04 am

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    STICKS&STONES (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 10:03 am

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    STICKS&STONES (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 10:03 am

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    STICKS&STONES (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 9:24 am

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    STICKS&STONES (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 9:24 am

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    STICKS&STONES (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 9:24 am

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    STICKS&STONES (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 8:57 am

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