Live Fantasy Baseball Mock Drafts

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Live Mock Draft

Rooms Draft Position
Start Time Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 mins (9:22 PDT) Payoff Pitch 2770235 Roto
3 mins (9:22 PDT) Shoestring Catch 2770238 Roto
3 mins (9:22 PDT) Dead Ball Era 2770241 Roto
3 mins (9:22 PDT) Chin Music 2770242 H2H
3 mins (9:22 PDT) Ducks on the Pond 2770245 H2H
3 mins (9:22 PDT) Can of Corn 2770248 H2H
8 mins (9:27 PDT) Can of Corn 2770249 Roto
8 mins (9:27 PDT) Texas Leaguer 2770252 Roto
8 mins (9:27 PDT) Texas Leaguer 2770255 Roto
8 mins (9:27 PDT) Green Light 2770256 H2H
8 mins (9:27 PDT) Blown Save 2770259 H2H
8 mins (9:27 PDT) Brushback Pitch 2770262 H2H
13 mins (9:32 PDT) Infield Fly Rule 2770263 Roto
13 mins (9:32 PDT) Circus Catch 2770266 Roto
13 mins (9:32 PDT) Curtain Call 2770269 Roto
13 mins (9:32 PDT) Heart of the Order 2770270 H2H
13 mins (9:32 PDT) Infield Fly Rule 2770273 H2H
13 mins (9:32 PDT) Peanuts and Crackerjack 2770276 H2H
H2H (Head-to-Head)
- Teams compile a win-loss record based on statistical results of weekly matchups against single opponents
Roto (Rotisserie)
- Standings are based on the sum of each team's rank in several statistical categories over the entire season