team logoSilver level
East Texas Dynasty Baseball

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1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Finished
logo Rum Runnerslogo Who needs a Catcher?logo I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS--
Week 23: Sep 5 - Sep 11
3logo DL 5
Week 24: Sep 12 - Sep 18
5th Place Game
3logo DL 9
Week 25: Sep 19 - Sep 28
3rd Place Game


Week 25
Week 25 Matchups
Final results

Championship Bracket

Consolation Bracket

Commish Notes

  • i have locked everybody from making pickups until next season. trades are also done for the year.
    Sep 28 1:18 AM
  • looks like extending the trade deadline throughout the season is favorable to everybody, once you have the asterisk by your team designating that you are in the playoffs you will not be able to make a trade with anybody until you are knocked out of the playoffs. any questions or comments let me know asap please
    Jul 27 4:59 PM
  • does anybody want to extend the trade deadline. i'll make it simpler than my other note, the deadline would extend to the end of the season(playoffs included) BUT once it is determined you are IN the playoffs (yahoo puts an asterisk by your team) then you CANNOT trade with anybody until you are knocked out of the playoffs. this might be able to help some of the lower teams. let me know what you think or if this needs to be tweaked before i put it up for a vote.
    Jul 24 6:01 PM
  • looks like the rule proposal did not pass as best as i can tell, i feel like this is not the last we will hear about this. i think this was blown out of proportion on BOTH sides of the argument as i do see both sides view and agree with BOTH. if i had to vote either way i would probably vote against it as i have the attitude like gay larry if they want to start less people against me than so be it. BUT if we still had batting avg instead of total bases i would probably vote for this proposal. anyway hope nobody has hard feelings toward anybody else on this, remember it is just a game and some of us are more competitive than others as in life somebody has to cook the fries at mcdonalds and it sure as hell ain't gonna be me!
    Jul 23 5:21 PM
  • PLEASE READ AND VOTE: it has been suggested that all teams fill all positions on their roster at all times (except rp) in others words if you don't have a ss in a real game you can't play therefore you must have one on your team at all times. this does open the door for smaller problems example: putting in a ss that is NA, but for now vote FOR NEXT YEAR if you agree that all offensive positions must be represented at all times vote YES, if not vote NO. please vote by saturday at 7 pm. if you want to comment go ahead but unless you put in the title of your post yes or no i won't count your vote.
    Jul 21 2:58 PM
  • AS OF NOW: if you hit the accept button whether by accident or for any reason guess what, it's going through....unless veteod and you may not vote on your own trade veto.
    Jul 15 8:10 AM
  • PLEASE VOTE ON THE PLAYOFF RESEEDING, read the link above the standings for explanation. put up a comment and in the title put PLAYOFF (YES OR NO), voting ends friday at midnight and majority wins even if there is just one vote.
    Jun 22 6:35 AM
  • ***just a reminder that waiver picks may also be traded***
    after sunday we have all played each other once, look at your record if it is shitty now it will probably not improve much unless you do something about your team. i'm not saying go out and accept a shitty offer but you need to go look at what stats / postitons you are overstocked on and what you need and do a trade accordingly. about half the guys on here will never send out a trade offer or counter a trade offer. that is more than likely why you are in the position you are in and if you are content with that than ok but keep in mind it won't change. a couple of teams have started rebuilding over the last year BUT it is an ongoing process and not a quick fix. come the trade deadline i know that if i were not going to make the playoffs i would start trading my older players or players that are over exceeding their normal stats for future stars. if you want to know where you stand on certain stats go to HEAD TO HEAD STATS located at the top of the standings and click on TOTALS for hits and then for pitching. anyway hope this helps any who need it and was not intended to piss anybody off. also if you are not sure if it's a fair trade THEN CALL SOMEBODY ELSE AND GET THEIR OPINION, they may not always be right but usually second opinions don't hurt.
    Jun 5 5:03 AM
  • never mind
    May 31 1:34 AM
  • BASEBALL BBQ? would like to see who would be interested in a get together, could cook, horseshoes, watch a bball game, maybe a fish tourney, whatever....scott c. let me know if u wanna do at your place, if not we can at my house.
    if interested post a message on here and i will choose a few dates to pick from.
    May 24 10:05 AM
  • SEASON STARTS MARCH 31st- have your lineups ready-C'mon Baseball!!!
    Mar 24 5:39 AM
    the rosters are loaded , you won't see them unless you go to saturdays lineup. check and make sure i didn't make any mistakes on your team. i am setting the waivers for one week to give everybody time for trades and waiver pickups. if you make a trade that involves a waiver post a message. i will edit the waivers, double check that also.
    Feb 25 6:31 PM
  • if you have a rule change you would like to have voted on please send me an email to: , only the ones' emailed to me will be put up to vote on, nothing posted on the message board will be voted on and the reason for this is because it makes it too hard to keep track of. i will put a deadline to bring up a rule change of 2/23/11 one week from today then i will list them on here to vote on.
    also please be specific on what you want, don't just say for example i want to add more pickups, list how many extra you would like to add. also nobody post a message on here for a few days so that this message stays where people will see it.
    Feb 16 8:03 PM
  • ALL READ PLEASE---brent handed over commish duties to me and i don't have a problem doing it but if someone objects then i understand. you may contact brent if you want to be anonomous and he'll let me know. if i am the commish then when we get everybody on here we will vote new rules , then i will set rosters and set waiver priorities. also will need to get mike mc the entry money but we'll get to that later, again if you don't want me as a commish please say so now, i will try to be open-minded to trades and none will be made if the majority objects that is usually the source of most problems in league. someone please get lance and craig to sign up if you talk to them.
    Feb 14 12:56 PM

Commish Updates

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    Long Ballers (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    DL (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    LONGHORNS (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    Stroke This... (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    Black Sox (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    Rum Runners (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    2 catchers and lost (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    The Slammers (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    Texas Rangers (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Sep 28 1:15 am

    Who needs a Catcher? (Add/Drops) changed from 'unlock' to 'lock'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Jul 27 5:02 pm

    League made publicly viewable

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    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Jul 27 5:01 pm

    Trade End Date changed from '2011-08-14' to 'No trade deadline'

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    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Jul 27 5:01 pm

    League no longer publicly viewable

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    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Jun 23 6:11 am

    Playoff Reseeding changed from 'No' to 'Yes'

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    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 18 6:39 am

    Long Ballers (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 18 6:39 am

    Black Sox (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 13 4:23 am

    Stroke This... (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 11 4:42 am

    Texas Rangers (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    Chicago Cubs (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    Chicago Cubs (Money Paid) changed from '35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    Atlanta Braves (Money Paid) changed from '35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    The Slammers (Money Paid) changed from '35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    Atlanta Braves (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    The Slammers (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    Rum Runners (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    Rum Runners (Money Paid) changed from '35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    LONGHORNS (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    LONGHORNS (Money Paid) changed from '35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    Cashed in 2 (Money Owed) changed from '-35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:24 am

    Cashed in 2 (Money Paid) changed from '35.00' to '0.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:22 am

    Cashed in 2 (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '35.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:22 am

    LONGHORNS (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '35.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:22 am

    Rum Runners (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '35.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:22 am

    Atlanta Braves (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '35.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:22 am

    The Slammers (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '35.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Mar 9 8:22 am

    Chicago Cubs (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '35.00'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Feb 28 2:39 am

    Waiver Time changed from '7 days' to '2 days'

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    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 6:45 pm

    Waiver Time changed from '2 days' to '7 days'

  • logo
    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 6:45 pm

    Trade Reject Time changed from '7 days' to '2 days'

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    I BEAT MCDOWELLS ASS (A Yahoo User) Feb 25 6:40 pm

    Waiver Priority changed from 'old order' to 'new order'