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Commissioner's Note

Commissioner's Note

  • Jun 3 11:02 AM
    As I posted here right up until the time we drafted, this is a keeper league. Everyone keeps 5 keepers as their first 5 picks next year, any 5 players you want. Then we draft in reverse order of finish in round 6.
  • Apr 2 8:38 AM
    I will add one more weekly transaction tonight, so everyone will have the chance to have 8 for the first two weeks. I will change it back to 7 after this week.

    After that, I'm not changing a f'n thing again unless it's something egregious. I thought it was a no-brainer that everyone would want more transactions for a two-week matchup. Didn't anticipate the blowback and being accused of cheating. To quote Homer Simpson, " You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is, never try."
  • Apr 1 11:01 AM
    Never mind, I thought everyone would want the additional transactions. Since I got a complaint about it, I move it back to 7.

    For the record, I was not out of transactions yet.
  • Apr 1 10:53 AM
    For this week only, I set the transaction limit to 14,

    I will move it back to 7 next week. I did this because the transaction limit didn't reset since we drafted.
  • Mar 25 10:10 AM
    Drafts done. I think it went well. 4 times during the draft the player I wanted was taken off the board the pick before me. It looks like everyone knows what they're doing.

    Disappointing draft for Awesome O's. I expected better from him. Looks like the three-peat will not become a four-peat. Sad.

    New guys, talking is encouraged. Thick skin is recommended. Usually it's civil but guys like Spit on My Balls and Clark Ave Lifers have been know to go on rants. You can set your watch to Awesome O's regularly trying to justify how good his team is. Just ignore him.