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Commissioner's Note

Commissioner's Note

  • Apr 29 4:59 PM
    2025 notes: 20 teams, 6 playoff slots, no divisions, no reseeding, 25 innings/week

    consider adding a roster spot
  • Mar 8 7:58 PM
    Core team is Chris, Me, Sean & Marco.

    The A League is full with superlative owners and yet not all of you have joined our discord. It is not requirement but we do have a good time there and I believe you would enjoy dig the league more kicking it back when the group.

    Will you considering joining? If you are joined, would you consider being more involved there. This is ground zero of where community happens in DoB leagues. We want you there as you are a part of it

    Don't Forget to Have Fun.

    DoB Commissioner
  • Jan 30 10:30 PM
    Core team is Chris, Me, Sean & Marco.

    I am moving but Sean has been by my side for years understanding how we organize these leagues. It is important to me to not lose time with proper organization of DoB merely bc of life experience. There are too many people who have loaded in, excited, for DoB to allow me to be crimped for time to get it right at the last minute after the dust settles on the things I have to do.

    For the period between Now and auction time, Sean acts as Commissioner of this league. He is sending out messages and if you have not done so already, REPLY ALL to make sure everyone is on same page.

    DoB is the best free auction league you will ever be in. However, to remain as such it does require every member to exist in good faith. This is why we are selective vetting people and part of why we build community. Thank you for being the best free auction league on the internet. I can not wait to compete with the lot of you.

    DoB Commissioner
  • Jan 23 3:15 PM
    Welcome, Disciples
    Core team is organizing baseball this year. Your fearless leader isn't abandoning you. I will still remain to compete and help in organization where I can. However, where you receive directives from Core team recognize it is like it is coming from myself.

    Core team, along with me, is Chris, Sean & Marco. They are going to do most of the work to make sure this 2024 year is the best ever for DoB. Show them your respect and understand they wield the hammer needed to get everything perfect for the coming season.

    DoB Commissioner
  • Jan 21 7:02 PM
    Stand by for roll call to go out from the Core team. Core team is the same thing as me. Be sure to reply all when you respond so that everyone in the league knows you are returning.

    DoB Commissioner