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Commissioner's Note

Commissioner's Note

  • May 16 2:15 PM
    5/15 - SAME ISSUE - I don't know what yahoo is doing anymore. If you look at "stat corrections" for the current week it shows that fucking SD-AZ 5/4 game as being added back AGAIN at the end of the current week. Someone must be on drugs. The stats are correct as of this writing but god knows what will happen on the morning of the 20th. Yikes 5/16 - Yahoo has deleted the current week stat corrections so it is once again correct. Quite the clusterfuck. haha
  • May 13 7:18 PM
    LOST STATISTICS 5/13/24 - 5PM - Haven't heard anything official from yahoo nor have they fixed the problem. The only thing I've seen is that the original statistics from 5/4 no longer appear on everyone's daily results. Just go to your 5/4 page and note the players involved in the SD vs AZ game are now blank. This is the biggest yahoo screw up I've ever seen. The following are the stats that each team has lost from this error and we hope to get them back. Ale - 3h-9ab/ War 4h-7ab 2rs 2bi 1hr 1sb/ Sugar 2h-4ab 1rs 3bi/ Fury 1h-5ab 1rs 4bi 1hr/ Exp 1h-4ab 2rs 2bi/Elephant 2h-8ab 1rs. In pitching I lost 1W 6ip 6h 3k and Ale lost 6ip 3er 10h 4k. I will update when this is fixed. Feel free to bitch to yahoo. When I argued this this morning fucking chat got pissed and hung up on me. Never been hung up on by a chat before. Don't know why this all happened. Scott 10PM - - Yahoo has finally fixed the problem. Stats are correct. Yay!
  • May 13 8:23 AM
    5/13/24 - As of 7AM all of the stats from the 5/4/24 game between SD and AZ have been reversed by yahoo as stat corrections. I don't know why this was done and have sent an email to them. I will update here when they respond. 5/13/24 11PM - Yahoo insists that I am incorrect and has refused to discuss it further. If I'm wrong I don't see it. The games from 5/4 were correct as shown on 5/4 and then were stat corrected yesterday. 1-1=0. Does anyone else see this? 5/13/24 11:21 I finally convinced yahoo support to just look at my Mike King. He got a win for me on 4/6 and a second on 5/4. However my team log only shows 1 win for me. Yahoo saw that and said they will check it further. I believe it will be the same for any of you - particularly Padre owners - in this 13-1 rout.
  • Mar 18 1:11 PM
    3/18 - I hold Opening Day in baseball as something sacred; something uniquely American. To have that taken away and given to South Korea at 6AM EST is a great insult to us all. They have done this before and obviously not enough of us bitched so they are doing it again. I think it is very wrong and it pisses me off.
  • Jan 29 5:47 PM
    1/29 - We now have 10 teams so I have finalized the league. I will ask the computer to generate the random draft order which will be available to all on friday, Feb 2nd at 10PM EST. Just go to draft and click results.
    I decided not to recreate the old Truth League mostly because of the unpleasantness of last year. I think a little new blood is good. I have looked at the profiles of all the new folks and I am greatly impressed. We have a lot of people playing this year who know what they are doing. Proceed accordingly.
    You should all check out the league settings so there are no surprises. If anyone has any questions feel free to either go on chat or email me directly.
    Good luck to everyone. Scott